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Self-Defense With a Firearm

By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch

As a follow up to last month’s discussion on how much security you need, we are going to discuss the final layer – Self-Defense.

Your assessment of the world is that the streets are a little more dangerous now than pre-COVID.  You see news reports on random shootings and home invasions; and you have concluded that for the safety of your family, you are going to carry a handgun, around the house and when out and about. 

It shouldn’t be necessary; but for peace of mind, it has come to this.

While the state of Texas is a “Constitutional Carry” State, and you are not required to get a license; we recommend that you do.  You will learn about the laws to which you must comply in order to carry a firearm.

Next; we recommend training.  Classes such as Fundamentals of Firearms, Defensive-Pistol and Tactical Carry.

While you are training the muscle memory of shooting, remember to get your head in the game.  You are not just taking up a new hobby.  You are preparing to shoot someone if they pose a threat to you, your family or an innocent bystander.  Just as you have to train the physical muscles to act; you must train your mind to engage.

It’s true that over ninety-five percent of everyone reading this article will never be in a situation where they will need to draw their gun.  However, there is no predicting if, or when such a situation will arise; and it’s better to be prepare and have the mindset to act than rely on luck.

We offer self-protection training at Saddle River Range.  When you are ready, sign up for the License to Carry class, then Fundamentals of Firearms, Firearm Self-Defense, Defensive Shooting and Tactical Carry.  These classes are designed to help develop the muscle memory, and the mindset necessary to protect your family from someone that wants to harm them.

If you haven’t been here in a while. Hop in the car and come visit.  Ask to speak with an instructor, share with them your concerns.  Sign up for a class, or schedule private lessons.  Better yet; sign up for semi-private lessons and bring a family member or friend; share the learning.


Stay Alert, Stay Safe,

© Copyright 2022 Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch

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