(832) 585-1452

Defensive Handgun: Cover and Movement


The use of firearms for self-defense rarely happens in an environment that mimics the stationary positons that most practice on the range. Being able to utilize cover and safely navigate through a structure while accurately engaging a target are all crucial skills to develop and practice.

This course is specifically designed to establish and build a student’s ability to accomplish these complex tasks safely and effectively with use of proven tactics.

Topics to include:

  • Proper use of cover
  • Mechanical offset
  • Target identification and discrimination
  • Acceptable sight picture
  • Movement techniques
  • Scanning techniques

Students must have taken SRR Defensive Handgun One, prior private instruction, approved firearms training from another organization, or demonstrated proficiency to attend this class.

For any questions on this course or the prerequisites please email


Cost: $150

Duration: 4 hours

Participants: maximum 6 students

Course of Fire: 300 rounds

Required Gear: Pistol, holster*, magazine carrier*, eye & ear protection

Recommended Gear: Paper and pen.

Note: Please check-in at the Range counter 10-15 minutes prior to your scheduled class time

*available for purchase at Saddle River Range.

SKU: N/A Category: